Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Moringa | Moringa Benefits | Medicinal Plants |

 Medicinal Plants

Plants and their role in human health!

Plants including crops, trees, herbs, shrubs, and weeds are useful for humans directly and indirectly. Some of them are useful in a simple way whereas some are beneficial in other forms. The plants which are beneficial some certain reasons like medical and curing are known as medicinal plants. These medicinal plants are also known as healthful herbs. Such kinds of herbs are discovered and utilized centuries ago. Actually, these plants (herbs) synthesize many chemical compounds for different functions like defense against insects, fungi, diseases, wounds, and plant grazing mammals numerous phytochemicals with potencies to behave biologically are produced in such kinds of herbs. And the same phytochemicals can be used for drug purposes with good results on different sides. In this context, these herbs or plants are called drug plants. Still, there is a need to explore such kinds of medicinal and drug plants by employing meaningful research. So, from this platform, we will share information regarding such drugs and medicinal plants their usage, and their natural benefits. All these herbs and plants are easily available around. Also, the methods and processes of using these plants will be shared. 

Medicinal plants names

  • Moringa oleifera  also called: (kalanchoe pinnata and zingiber officinale
  • Achyranthes Aspera (Ayokanda)
  • Ailanthus altissima (Backyanra)
  • Albizia lebbeck (Sirin)
  • Aloe barbadensis miller  (Aloe Vera)
  • Allium sativum (Ooga)
  • Alnus nitida (Geiray)
  • Alternanthera sessilis (Waglon)
  • Anagallis arvensis (Billy booti)
  • Artemisia scoparia (Jaukay)
  • Asparagus officinalis (Phala-moosa)
  • Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari)
  • Atropa accuminata (Bargak)
  • Avena fatua (Jodal)
  • Avena sativa (Jai)
  • Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi sak)
  • Buglossoides arvensis (Kalu)
  • Caltha alba (Makanpat)
  • Campanula pallida (Beli Flower)
  • Cannabis Sativa (Bhang)
  • Capparis decidua (kdler)
  • Capparis spinosa (Kawir)
  • Carthamus tinctorius (Tukhmiga-rtum)
  • Celtis australis (Karr)
  • Cenchrus pennisetiformis (Cheetah- gha)
  • Citrullus colocynthis (Tumma)
  • Citrus lemon (Nimboo)
  • Citrus medica (Khatti)
  • Colebrookia oppositifolia (Lansa)
  • Commiphora wightii (Guggul, Mukul)
  • Convolvulus arvensis (Baily)
  • Cymbopogon citratus (Lemon- grass)
  • Datura alba (Datura)
  • Eruca sativa (Tara meera)
  • Evolvulus alsinoides (Sankha-holi)
  • Gmelina arborea (Kumbar)
  • Hyoscyamus niger (Ajwain-i- Khurasani)
  • Jasminum grandiflorum (Chanbeli)
  • Lactuca serriola (Berham dandi)
  • Linum usitatissimum (Alsi)
  • Martynia annua (Bichhu-botti)
  • Mimordica dioca (Jungli karela)
  • Papaver nudicaule (Khaskhash)
  • Peganum harmala (Harmal)
  • Raphanus sativus (Mooli)
  • Ricinus communis (Arand)
  • Salvadora oleoides (Peelu)
  • Solanum miniatum (Peelak)
  • Terminalia arjuna (Arjun)
  • Viola canescens (Banafsha)
  • Withania coagulans (Paneer doda)
  • Withania somnifera (Asgandh)

Moringa (سوانجنا): 

Moringa Tree
Medicinal Plant Moringa Oleifera

A useful plant !!!!!

Moringa locally known as سوانجنا in Pakistan and India is an old plant and very useful one. Traditionally, Moring roots had been used as a local pickle. The nutritional value had never been known to even users of this plant. It's a wonderful plant with multiple usages (Moringa Leaf) and numerous benefits. Still, it is not an extinct plant, rather available in the fresh form under field conditions and dried form at the market level. It can be grown in the nook and corner of the house having lawns. Seed can be purchased from the market or farmers to grow in your own fields.

Moringa Tree
Medicinal Plant Moringa Oleifera

Also known as;

  • kalanchoe pinnata
  • zingiber officinale
  • withania somnifera
  • ocimum sanctum
  • sarpagandha
  • rauwolfia serpentina
  • aegle marmelos



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