Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Professional English Sentences for Professional


Professional English Sentences for Professional 

How to Become Professional

Mostly People Used;

Normal Sentence

  • Illiteracy cause damage to society 

Professional Sentence

  • Illiteracy has long become a weapon of mass destruction in our society 

Normal Sentence

  • This effort is to control cancer with diety

Professional Sentence

  • This move is aimed at enhancing the role of diet in cancer control

Friday, December 24, 2021

Reality of Life | Reality of Life Quotes | Sad Realities of Life

 Reality of Life Quotes

“You know you're in love 
when you can't fall asleep 
because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
Sad Realities of Life
Realities of Life Quotes
Sad Realities of Life


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Moringa and digestive System | Medicinal Plants | Healthful Plants

 Medicinal Plants | Healthful Plants

  • Moringa affects the digestive system of the human body.
  • Moringa Oleifera plant has antibiotics and anti-bacterial properties which can inhibit the growth of different pathogens and unwanted germs. 

Moringa Oleifera Plant for Digestive System

Moringa Oleifera plant has antibiotics and anti-bacterial properties which can inhibit the growth of different pathogens and unwanted germs. 

Moringa Oleifera for Constipation

This property of Moringa Oleifera can play an effective role in correcting disorders of any kind, especially constipation. 

Therefore, the regular use of Moringa is beneficial for humans as well as the digestive system of the human body.


Professional English Sentences | How to Become Professional

 Professional English Sentences for Professional 

How to become Professional
Professional English Sentences

Mostly People Used:

Normal Sentence

  • He is brave to tell his mistakes

Professional Sentence

  • He isn't afraid to point out his own flaws as a person.

Normal Sentence

  •  I quit from the scene of agitation

Professional Sentence

  • I drove myself out of the agitation scene

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Quotes on True Love | Love Quotes

 Inspirational Vibes of Life

Quotes on True Love;
Quotes on True Love
Quotes on True Love


Tips of The Day | Healthy Lifestyle Tips | Life Changing Tips

 Tips of The Day

Healthy Life Tips:

Tips of the Day; Due to Dry weather, These waves are very dangerous for human health.
Tips of the Day
Tips of the day


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Professional English sentences for Professionals

 Professional English sentences for Professionals

Mostly People Used:

Normal Sentence
  • committed to praising his boss for nothing.
Professional Sentence
  • a sycophantic favorite of his boss.
Normal Sentence
  • He doesn't like the flattering staff of his office.
Professional Sentence
  • He dislikes the sycophantic behavior of his staff.


|Moringa Benefits | Medicinal Plants | Moringa Oleifera

Medicinal Plants  

Moringa Oleifera

Method and processing of Moringa for its effective usage 

Moringa Leaves
Moringa Oleifera Leaves method and processing

Generally, all the plants which are medically active are known for either their seeds, leaves, or roots. But Moringa does have medical qualities in the parts including Moringa seeds, Moringa leaves, Moringa stems, Moringa roots, and the whole plant. So, the plant can be taken dried in shade and then in the sunshine for grinding it into powder form. This powder can be used as such for different purposes or can be converted into tablets by mixing water.


Friday, December 10, 2021

Sad Realities of Life | Realities of Life | Sadness of Life

 Sad Realities of Life | Realities of Life | Sadness of Life

Sad Realities of Life
Sad Realities of Life

Sad Realities of Life

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Moringa | Moringa oleifera | Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants

Moringa Oleifera Tree
Moringa Oleifera Benefits

 Moringa Benefits 

General Benefits of Moringa Oleifera ( سوانجنا ) for Human Health!!!

  • It's full of nutrition
  • It regulates the blood sugar
  • It controls the chronic diseases
  • It reduces the cholesterol in the human body


Inspirational Vibes of life | Quotes of life | Quotes on true Love

 Quotes on True Love

The intellectuals run away, 
afraid of drowning; 
The whole business of love is to drown in the sea. Rumi
Inspirational Vibes of life rumi quotes
Rumi Quotes


Realities of Life | Sad realities of Life | quotes on life | Inspirational Vibes of Life

 Inspirational Vibes of Life

FoRgeT YoUr EneMy
NeVeR ForGet TheiR NaMeS

Sad Realities of Life
Inspirational Vibes of Life | Sad Realities of Life


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Moringa | Moringa Benefits | Medicinal Plants |

 Medicinal Plants

Plants and their role in human health!

Plants including crops, trees, herbs, shrubs, and weeds are useful for humans directly and indirectly. Some of them are useful in a simple way whereas some are beneficial in other forms. The plants which are beneficial some certain reasons like medical and curing are known as medicinal plants. These medicinal plants are also known as healthful herbs. Such kinds of herbs are discovered and utilized centuries ago. Actually, these plants (herbs) synthesize many chemical compounds for different functions like defense against insects, fungi, diseases, wounds, and plant grazing mammals numerous phytochemicals with potencies to behave biologically are produced in such kinds of herbs. And the same phytochemicals can be used for drug purposes with good results on different sides. In this context, these herbs or plants are called drug plants. Still, there is a need to explore such kinds of medicinal and drug plants by employing meaningful research. So, from this platform, we will share information regarding such drugs and medicinal plants their usage, and their natural benefits. All these herbs and plants are easily available around. Also, the methods and processes of using these plants will be shared. 

Medicinal plants names

  • Moringa oleifera  also called: (kalanchoe pinnata and zingiber officinale
  • Achyranthes Aspera (Ayokanda)
  • Ailanthus altissima (Backyanra)
  • Albizia lebbeck (Sirin)
  • Aloe barbadensis miller  (Aloe Vera)
  • Allium sativum (Ooga)
  • Alnus nitida (Geiray)
  • Alternanthera sessilis (Waglon)
  • Anagallis arvensis (Billy booti)
  • Artemisia scoparia (Jaukay)
  • Asparagus officinalis (Phala-moosa)
  • Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari)
  • Atropa accuminata (Bargak)
  • Avena fatua (Jodal)
  • Avena sativa (Jai)
  • Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi sak)
  • Buglossoides arvensis (Kalu)
  • Caltha alba (Makanpat)
  • Campanula pallida (Beli Flower)
  • Cannabis Sativa (Bhang)
  • Capparis decidua (kdler)
  • Capparis spinosa (Kawir)
  • Carthamus tinctorius (Tukhmiga-rtum)
  • Celtis australis (Karr)
  • Cenchrus pennisetiformis (Cheetah- gha)
  • Citrullus colocynthis (Tumma)
  • Citrus lemon (Nimboo)
  • Citrus medica (Khatti)
  • Colebrookia oppositifolia (Lansa)
  • Commiphora wightii (Guggul, Mukul)
  • Convolvulus arvensis (Baily)
  • Cymbopogon citratus (Lemon- grass)
  • Datura alba (Datura)
  • Eruca sativa (Tara meera)
  • Evolvulus alsinoides (Sankha-holi)
  • Gmelina arborea (Kumbar)
  • Hyoscyamus niger (Ajwain-i- Khurasani)
  • Jasminum grandiflorum (Chanbeli)
  • Lactuca serriola (Berham dandi)
  • Linum usitatissimum (Alsi)
  • Martynia annua (Bichhu-botti)
  • Mimordica dioca (Jungli karela)
  • Papaver nudicaule (Khaskhash)
  • Peganum harmala (Harmal)
  • Raphanus sativus (Mooli)
  • Ricinus communis (Arand)
  • Salvadora oleoides (Peelu)
  • Solanum miniatum (Peelak)
  • Terminalia arjuna (Arjun)
  • Viola canescens (Banafsha)
  • Withania coagulans (Paneer doda)
  • Withania somnifera (Asgandh)

Moringa (سوانجنا): 

Moringa Tree
Medicinal Plant Moringa Oleifera

A useful plant !!!!!

Moringa locally known as سوانجنا in Pakistan and India is an old plant and very useful one. Traditionally, Moring roots had been used as a local pickle. The nutritional value had never been known to even users of this plant. It's a wonderful plant with multiple usages (Moringa Leaf) and numerous benefits. Still, it is not an extinct plant, rather available in the fresh form under field conditions and dried form at the market level. It can be grown in the nook and corner of the house having lawns. Seed can be purchased from the market or farmers to grow in your own fields.

Moringa Tree
Medicinal Plant Moringa Oleifera

Also known as;

  • kalanchoe pinnata
  • zingiber officinale
  • withania somnifera
  • ocimum sanctum
  • sarpagandha
  • rauwolfia serpentina
  • aegle marmelos


Thursday, December 2, 2021

Quotes on Roses | Beauty of Roses | Love Quotes on Roses |

 Beauty of Roses

Roses Quotes
"DeceMbeR Full of JoY
  LiKe RoSeS
  Full of FraGraNce"

Rose Quotes
Quotes on Roses


Gulkand for Skin Whitening | Rose Patel's Preserve for Skin Whitening | Gulqand

 Rose Patel's Preserve for Skin Whitening

Gulkand Picture
Gulkand for Skin Whitening

According to natural health remedies, Gulkand (Rose Petal's Preserve) is made by mixing dried petals with sugar. 

Additionally, being a natural cooling liquid conjointly, it contributes to a series of problems in the abdomen, as well as used as a natural antibiotic against acidity, headaches, lethargy, fatigue, constipation, and swelling. Regular use of Rosepetl's preserve (Gulqand) is helpful for all digestive problems. Due to digestive problems, skin going to dull and have a black spot on the face. 

Rosepetles preserve is helpful for removing digestive problems, and also helpful for gowling white skin. 

So you can use gulkand for skin whitening.

Gulkand in English called Rose Petal's Preserve. 


Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Silymarin | Milk Thistle | Milk Thistle Usage | Silymarin usage for liver health

 Silymarin usage for liver health 

Milk Thistle Picture
Milk Thistle benefits for liver health

Usage of Milk Thistle (silymarin)for the health of the human liver
The usage of Milk Thistle for the purpose of improving the liver is simple as under:
1. Leaves and flowers can directly be eaten as salad and vegetables.
2. The silymarin seeds can be ground after having roasted and powder can be used as coffee.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Realities of Life | Sadness of Life | Harsh Realities of Life

 Realities of Life | Sadness of Life | Harsh Realities of Life

Sad Realities of Life

"life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes.

Don’t resist them- that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality.

Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like"

Realities of life quotes
Sad Realities of Life


Silymarin | Milk Thistle | Milk Thistle Flower |

 Silymarin | Milk Thistle | Milk Thistle Flower | 

What is Milk Thistle / Silymarin?

Milk Thistle / Silymarin:

Milk Thistle image
Milk Thistle / Silymarin / Silybum marianum

Milk Thistle Image
Milk Thistle / Silymarin / Silybum marianum

Milk Thistle (اونٹ چرا) and Liver Health:

Actually, the liver has an important role in the human body. Its main role is to help with the other so many organisms   of human body to digest, absorb and process the food. Liver is also as such storage of glucose and sugar in the body. But numerous factors affect the health and normal functioning of the liver. These factors includes obesity, alcoholic usage, bad food exposure , less water usage, unhigenic water etc. Under the context, liver health needs to be cared properly.
So, Milk Thistle locally known as ( اونٹ چرا ) has a vital role to safe guard the health and normal functioning of liver in the human being body. The whole plant include roots, stem, leaves, seed are equally important for this purpose.

Milk Thistle is also known as;

  • Silymarin
  • Silybum marianum
  • cardus marianus
  • blessed milk thistle
  • Marian thistle
  • Mary thistle
  • Saint Mary's thistle
  • Mediterranean milk thistle
  • variegated thistle and Scotch thistle


Thursday, November 18, 2021

Realities of life | Sadness of life | Sad Realities of Life

 "SoMeTimes YoU WilL NeVeR

KnoW ThE VoLuE oF A MoMenT UnTil iT BeCoMeS A 


Quotes on Reality of life
Realities of life | Sadness of life | Sad Realities of Life


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Inspirational Vibes of Life | Become a Life Coach

 Become a Life Coach


Every person has dreams, ideas, and philosophy but society teaches him, how to live life.
Life Coach Quotes
Inspirational Vibes of life
Inspirational Vibes of life


Health Tips | Tips of The Day| Healthy lifestyle tips

 Tips of the Day

"Skill Learning through technical & Vocational education is the ultimate option for school leavers and matric dropouts". 

Healthy lifestyle tips


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Realities of life | Sadness of life

 "Don't just accept what life brings to you each day as your reality. Instead, decide what you want your life to look like and then go out and make that life a reality!"

Reality of life quotes
reality of life quotes


Monday, November 15, 2021

Friday, November 12, 2021

Realities of Life | Sad Realities of Life

 Realities of Life

Sad Realities of Life
Sad realities of life
Sad Realities of life


Realities of Life | Sad Realities of Life

 Realities of Life

Strong women aren't born, they are forged in the fire, they had to walk through.

Realities of Life Quotes
Sad Realities of Life
(Sad Realities of Life)

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Sad Realities of Life | Realities of Life |

 Realities of Life

Sad Realities of Life:

Sad Realities of Life Picture
Sad realities of Life


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Sad Realities of Life | Realities of Life |

 Realities of Life

 Sad Realities of Life:

Reuben Nails my Fantasies

every time, with iron rods of reality.

He asserts that I am going to die,

but probably not for a while and that maybe I Should try getting married and having a life first.

He is 70 and knows things, which is why I

go to him. But it's sad to leave my romantic illusions at the door of this passage.

Although false and destructive and useless, they've been tremendous company.

its sad realities of life.

Suzanne Finnamore.


How to become Professional | Professional English| Professional English Sentences for Professional


How to Become a Professional?

How to become a professional Usually observed that the professional people while in meetings, seminars, interactive sessions, need to choose coherent words and sentences. Otherwise, there is an impression which makes the quality of delivery poor and hence, a big loss. The given sentences will help to make the talk easy and internationally matched. Moreover, people will be able to make use of these sentences where ever needed.

Mostly People used:

Normal Sentence:

  • Throughout his attitude is not good.

Professional Sentence:

  • He is living with an attitude problem.

Normal sentence:

  • He is hight naughty.

Professional Senctence:

  • He is too naughty beyond words.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Sad Realities of Life

Sad Realities of Life

Realities of Life picture
Sad Realities of Life



Gulkand for Skin Whitening | Gulqand | Rose Petal's Preserve |

 Gulkand for Skin Whitening 

Benefits of Gulqand (Rose Petal's Preserve)

Gulkand Picture
Gulkand for Skin whitening
Gulqand (Rose Patel Preservative) also known as gulkand, is a popular medicine in Ayurveda. It is best known for its cooling properties, which are useful for people with excessive body heat. Besides being a herbal coolant, it has many different benefits including improving memory and vision aiding digestion relieving lethargy, itching, inflammation, and redness removing pollutants, and purifying blood to help relieve constipation, acidity, gastritis, and indigestion.  Moreover, gulkand is helpful for skin whitening. Regular usage of gulkand is helpful for losing weight. 


Friday, November 5, 2021

Sad Realities of Life

 Sad Realities of Life

"Better Sit Alone sometimes" this is Sad realities of Life 
Sad Realities of Life
Sad Realities of Life


Inspirational Vibes of Life

 Inspirational Vibes of Life

"It's fairly not the Oil or Gold that makes the People Prosperous, but the Skill, Science, and Beauties of the Mind"

Inspirational Vibes of Life Picture
Inspirational Vibes of Life


Professional Sentences for Professional


Professional Sentences for Professional

Mostly  People used:

Normal Sentence:

  • Some time is required for this problem.

Professional Sentence:

  • A fair bit of time would be required to resolve this problem.

Normal Sentence:

  • I can not adjust you for this request.

Professional Sentence:

  • If it were within the limit, I would have accommodated you out of merit.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Professional Sentences for Professional


Professional Sentences for Professional

Mostly  People used:

Normal Sentence:

  • Swearing during discussion is not good

Professional Sentence:

  • Don't swear in talk. It is ungentle.

Normal Sentence:

  • Scent usage is not good.

Professional  Sentence:

  • Don't use scent, it's not a good option.

Normal Sentence: 

  • Act upon the road rules

Professional Sentence:

Always obey the traffic rules, they are for the reasons.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Inspirational Vibes of Life | Certified Life Coach

 Inspirational Vibes of Life

Mathematics may not teach us how to Add happiness or how to minus sadness. 
But, it does teach one important thing. 
Inspirational Vibes of Life
Inspirational Vibes of life


Sad Realities of Life

 Sad Realities of Life

Realities of Life:

When you give importance to people they think you are always free.
But they don't understand that you make yourself available for them.
Sad realities of life Picture
Sad Realities of life


Professional Sentences for Professional

 Professional Sentences for Professional

Mostly  People used:

Normal Sentence:

  • In the exam, your phone will be taken.

Professional Sentence:

  • If your phone is found in the examination, it will be confiscated. 

Normal Sentence:

  • He has strong believe in results of his laboratory.

Professional Sentence:

  • He is a staunch and meticulous believer in his laboratory results. 

Monday, October 18, 2021

Professional Sentences for Professional

 Professional Sentences for Professional 

Mostly  People used:

Normal Sentence:

  • He couldn't do good administration.

Professional Sentence:

  • He worked as a de-facto administrator.

Normal Sentence:

  • You can not do it.

Professional Sentence:

  • It's not your prerogative.

Normal Sentence:

  • This house is same style as that.

Professional Sentence:

  • This house is stylistically similar to that one.

Benefits of Rosewater | Rose water Extract

 Beauty  of Roses

Benefits of Rosewater | Rose water Extract

Rose water in glass jar with four red roses
rose water for hair | rose water extract for hair

The possible impact of Rosewater on human hair:

  • It cleanses the dirt and germs.
  • It strengthens the hair by providing moisture to the roots of the hair.
  • It gives a soothing impact on the head skin.
  • It also adds to the conditioning of hair after taking bath.


Friday, October 15, 2021

Health Tips | Tips of the Day

 Health Tips | Tips of the Day

Tips of the Day:

Use five almonds daily and say goodbye to cancer.
Tips  of the day Picture
Health Tips | Tips of the Day


Health Tips | Tips of the Day

 Health Tips | Tips of the Day

Tips of the Day

The sleep of eight hours daily at night is a key to a beautiful day

Picture of tips of the day
Health Tips | Tips of the Day


Inspirational Vibes of Life | Quotes on Life

 Inspirational Vibes of Life

(Quotes on Life)
Inspirational Vibes of life quotes write on flower picture
Inspirational Vibes of life


Professional Sentences for Professional


Professional Sentences for Professional

Mostly People used;

Normal Sentence:

  • It is wrong and self-created.

Professional Sentence:

  • It is totally manipulative and deceptive.

Normal Sentence:

  • He is  kind-hearted and good person.

Professional Sentence:

  • He is a totally soft-hearted and meek person.

Normal Sentence:

  • He was gossiping with female class fellow.

Professional Sentence:

  • He was found infatuated with one of his class fellows.

Normal Sentence:

  • They run business for only 10 years.

Professional Sentence:

  •  Their together business lasted for about 10 years


World of Information

Welcome to World of Information. This website is heaven for learners. On this website, we have to try to share all kinds of information like how to become a successful person in your real life and also some inspirational vibes for life. If you are a nature lover, then most of the entertainment waiting for you; here is available beauty of roses for nature lovers. If you are Poetry lovers (Romantic, Sad, Love) then most of the fun is available here for you.
World of Information Heaven of Learners 38000 Faisalabad, Punjab

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Welcome to World of Information. This website is a heaven of learners. In this website, we have trying to shear all kind of information like how to become successful person in your real life and also some inspirational vibes for life. If you are nature lovers, then most of entertainment waiting for you; here available beauty of roses for nature lovers. If you are Poetry lovers (Romantic, Sad, Love) then most of fun available here for you.

Reality of Life

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